Ignition Part,Condenser XLch 58/69 Joe Hunt Fairbanks Morris Magnetos Rpls 29533-55A High quality ignition condensers meet or exceed OEM specifications.Standard Motor Products Fits XLCH 1958/1969 with Magneto and airbanks Morris, Joe Hunt and Morris Magnetos Replaces HD# 29534-55A
Tune Up Kit,W/O Spark Plugs Big Twin 1970/Early 1978,Spt 1971/Early 1978.....Accel.8400
High performance 32 ounce points accompany the premium high performance condenser
The highest quality materials are used to ensure that you get faster, easier starts, smoother idle, crisper throttle response and improved top end performance without points bounce.
Blister packaged with cam lube for attractive display
Accel Kit without Spark Plugs Fits Big Twin 1970/Early 1978 & Sportster 1971/Early 1978 Accel # 8400
Ignition Part,Condenser Bt 48/L,All Spt W/Points Ign W/O Mag Rpls 32726-30A...Dr60X Blue Streak® condensers have long been the standard of quality in the automotive industry and are now available for yourHarley-Davidson® .Blue Streak Fits all Big Twin 1948/Later & all Sportster with Points Type Ignition (except Sportster using Magneto) Replaces HD# 32726-30A
Ignition Part,Point Set Big Twin 1970/L Spt 1971/Later 32661-70 Blue Streak Dr2240X Blue Streak® points have long been the standard of quality in the automotive industry and are now available for yourHarley-Davidson® .Blue Streak Fits all Big Twin 1970/Later & Sportster 1971/Later with Points Type Ignition (except Sportster using Magneto) Replaces HD# 32661-70