3 products
KIBBLEWHITE Cast Iron Exhaust Valve Seat, Harley 84-16 FX 84-16 FL 87 - 94 XL Buell 03-06
Regular price $10.87KIBBLEWHITE Cast Iron Intake Valve Seat, .450" H, 1.562" I.D., 2.0070" O.D., Harley 84-16 FX 84-16 FL 87 - 94 XL Buell 03-06
Regular price $12.62KIBBLEWHITE Cast Iron Intake Valve Seat, .453" H, 1.535" I.D., 1.9690" O.D., Harley 84-16 FX 84-16 FL 87 - 94 XL Buell 03-06
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