12 products
12 products
12 products
V-Twin Manufacturing 1970-77 BT Pinion Gear
Regular price $64.20OEM style pinion shaft gear is standard type.
OEM: 24010-54
V-Twin Manufacturing Cam Case Gear (Idler), 1936-69 BT
Regular price $63.65Cam chest idler gear.
OEM: 25775-36
V-Twin Manufacturing Cam Case Gear(Pinion), 1939-59 BT
Regular price $29.45Pinion shaft standard size gear.
OEM: 24010-39
V-Twin Manufacturing Cam Chest Assembly Kit, 1936-47 OHV BT Knuckle
Regular price $634.08V-Twin Motor Shop cam chest assembly kit includes internal Big Twin replacement type parts for years listed, including a Sifton cam.
Order cam bearings and bushing kit separately.
V-Twin Manufacturing Circuit Breaker Shaft Kit, 1941-69 BT OHV
Regular price $47.47Kit contains one shaft and two bushings.
V-Twin Manufacturing Distributor Drive Cam Case Gear, 1936-69
Regular price $93.22Circuit breaker drive gear.
OEM: 25850-36A
V-Twin Manufacturing Distributor Drive-Cam Gear with Holes, 1936-47 BT
Regular price $128.32Distributor drive cam gear with holes.
OEM: 25850-36
V-Twin Manufacturing Idler Gear with holes, 1936-69 BT
Regular price $82.90Cam chest idler gear with holes.
OEM: 25775-36
V-Twin Manufacturing Idler Shaft Kit, 1941-69 BT OHV
Regular price $27.18Contains idler shaft and one bushing.
OEM: 25791-77
V-Twin Manufacturing Pinion Gear, White, 54-77 OHV BT
Regular price $92.20Pinion shaft gear is white size. White gear size is 1.4465-1.4460".
Gear Size: 1.4465
Gear Size: 1.4460
V-Twin Manufacturing S&S Distributor Drive Gear, 1936-69 BT
Regular price $385.05S&S cam chest distributor drive gear features narrow tooth width for a large cam. Drive gear is for high lift cams.
OEM: 25850-36A
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